Active Flex - 6 Class Series

Active Flex - 6 Class Series

6 Class Active Flex Series.

Active Flexibility + Backbends

​Flexibility conditioning is a combination of active and passive flexibility. You’ll take a deep dive into accessing your end range of motion while also building the foundational strength to safely and efficiently bend without breaking. Your range of flexibility increases while building and maintaining stability and strength in your maximum range to keep your joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles safe. These exercises work surprisingly fast with consistent classes.

Active Strength + Handstands

You do not need to be able or know how to do a handstand to take this class. We will use body line drills and conditioning to get you stronger! This class is a strength conditioning class with a full-body warm-up, wall drills, and full-body conditioning. It's not about perfection — it’s about conquering your fears and getting upside down with confidence.

In this class, you will:

Learn techniques to achieve handstands.
Build strength, mobility, and body awareness
Channel your fear into confidence

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Active Flex - 6 Class Series